What should I do if I can’t keep up with making alimony payments?
If you agreed to pay alimony in a separation agreement or were ordered by a court to do so, then you need to keep making those payments. Otherwise, you could face serious consequences. Still, relief may be possible.
If you fail to make your spousal support payments, then you could face a contempt of court citation or a breach of contract lawsuit. So, when you find yourself struggling to keep up with these payments, you need to get legal help right away and address your situation.
An attorney can help you to seek a court order to modify your alimony payments due to a change in your circumstances such as a loss of employment. A lawyer could also seek to negotiate reduced payments with your former spouse’s attorney.
Check out our page on Alimony/Spousal Support as well as the North Carolina statute that discusses the modification of postseparation support payments.